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A Range of Quality Plants & Services for Bonsai Enthusiasts  

Organic Vegetable Growing

A talk including detailed and up to date advice on composting, natural fertilisers, raised beds, green manures, companion planting, heritage and unusual vegetable varieties etc.

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Bonsai Club Talks
We offer a range of talks for clubs, primarily in the North West. We are prepared to travel further, but only when talks are combined with an extended workshop etc..

Most talks are illustrated with a slideshow and I bring along my own laptop, digital projector and screen.

Talks include:- Propagation of trees and shrubs from seeds cuttings and layers including a demo of Air layering, Forest Plantings, Accents & Kusamono, Suiseki, Formal Display, and a wealth of further subjects to suit your needs. Just ask.

One to Ones
Discuss in detail any aspect of bonsai for a couple of hours or a full day and work on your trees with the help of an expert.

One to Ones

2009 sees an expansion of our residential Bonsai courses.