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A Range of Quality Plants & Services for Bonsai Enthusiasts  


We stock a range of small grasses such as Sedges Juncus, Ophiopogon or Lily Turf, Japanese Blood Grass, Hakonechloa, Horsetails etc.

Dwarf Rock Lily Arthropodium candidum

Dwarf Quaking Grass Briza minima

Dwarf Scouring Rush Equisetum hiemale

Hakonechloa macra ‘Aureola’

Hakonechloa macra 

Japanese Blood Grass Imperata cylindrica Rubra

Curly Rush or Corkscrew Rush Juncus effusus Spiralis

Swordleaf Rush, Dwarf Bulrush Juncus ensifolius

Black Mondo Grass Ophiopogon planiscapus nigrescens

Mondo Grass Ophiopogon planiscapus

Ophiopogon planiscapus Nippon

Ophiopogon japonicus kigima fukiduma


















Dwarf Hostas are a charming and ideal accent plant. A huge variety of different leaf forms are available, all with the bonus of summer flowering.

These dwarf ferns are an ideal woodland &accompaniment for deciduous trees. Preferring shady spots they grow well on benches alongside your trees.

Choice forms in a huge variety of forms and colours.

Mountain plants that are as hardy as they come. Thriving in poor, well drained soils, they are ideal for small pot culture,

Some unusual bulbs, corms and tubers that add great variety to the range of beautiful accent plants that can accompany your bonsai.

Xerophytic or water storing plants are largely from desert areas and can be grown outdoors in full sun in summer and should be given shelter and drier conditions in winter.